Doctor of Biotechnical Sciences (Agriculture & Forestry). Lecturer at the Department of Geography of the University of Montenegro (2015-ongoing), earlier at the Biotechnical faculty / Institute of Agriculture of the University of Montenegro (since 1995). Director of International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Project Coordination Unit in Montenegro. In the period 2001-2010 worked at the European Agency for Reconstruction and the Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro as Senior Task Manager for Agriculture & Rural Development; Leading researcher and President of the Governing Board of the Institute of Forestry of Montenegro (2014-2015). Attended various International training courses in Austria (BOKU), Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Iran, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, United States (Cornell University). Researcher with about 190 scientific research results published in international peer reviewed journals. Member of the International Union of Soil Sciences – IUSS; Watershed Management Society of Iran; Serbian Soil Science Society; The Macedonian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage; Geographical Society of Montenegro; Balkan Environmental Association; World Association for Soil and Water Conservation; European Geosciences Union. In the period 2005-2013 Editor in Chief of the journal “Agriculture and Forestry”. The Managing Editor of the “Agrofor International Journal”. Participated as a Scientific Committee Member of the many International conferences, being the Scientific Editor and reviewer several international journals. Involved in joint research as Co-promoter / Co-supervisor of some MSc / PhD thesis with Ghent University, Department of Geography, Belgium; Federal University of Lavras, Alfenas, Brazil.